Within Within is the portrait of artist Tarek Atoui's performance at Chantal Crousel. Initiated in 2012, Within examines the manner in which deafness can change our comprehension of the sound performance and the space in which it is diffused. Here, Mr Atoui designed instruments in collaboration with hearing-impaired people and composed concerts made of sound vibrations, directed by a deaf Conductor during his exhibit.
I shot a video-portrait of this performance. Filmed entirely by iPhone, with my finger pressed over the lens, the video reveals the essence of an impalpable red matter - simultaneously immaterial and corporeal - whose density fluctuates with the pressure of my finger on the lens, modulated by the vibrations perceived. I then made screen-shots of the different hues of red from the video, and photographed my screen covered by 1,820 scree-shots framing the video file.